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Arts Night at SGI High School

Every year the Art Department at SGI-HS hosts a night in which we celebrate the Arts in it's many shapes and forms.  When it started, students demonstrated some of the creative skills that are fostered in their art classes every day for any family, friends and community members that came to visit.  Some students worked with three dimensional materials like bookmaking, ceramics, and sculpture, while others painted, created drawings, worked on printmaking, etc.  Over time, we added an exhibition and slideshow of student work, a musical celebration of performances by the student jazz bands, a Capella groups, and the orchestra.  The event has grown over the last three years and currently,  it highlights creative performances by the student actors in the Shakespeare society.  In addition, we collaborate with the students working in the school cafe to provide food and beverages for the event.  All in all, the goal is to get as many student artists (of all kinds) to demonstrate what they do day in and day out.  In the past, the night has been received warmly and has grown with each and every year.