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Teacher Website (and other helpful communication tools)

Teacher website: Being prepared means not only being ready for the lesson of the day, but it also means having resources ready for students who are absent, students taking the class from home on medical leave, and students enrolled in the class as an independent study.  I have had all these circumstances.  This can be a lot to juggle. Therefore, I use my teacher website to post all my projects, web links, samples, and due dates.  This helps keep the students informed even when they can't be with us in the classroom.  A link to my site is below.   


Pinterest: Technology is one of the best ways we can reach our students and since art resources are so vast, I set up a Pinterest page of all art related links that my students frequent for inspiration.  


Student Shared Drive: As a way to more easily share files with and between my photography students, I asked the technology department to set up a shared network that only my students would have access to.   This has become an invaluable tool for submitting photo assignments, sharing images with each other, and saving video tutorials for all to access.